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Athos – Wearable Technology for Fitness
Athos is the world’s first smart clothing that can measure muscle activity in
real-time in addition to heart rate andbreathing. Athos workout apparel are
lined with EMG sensors that can sense theactivity inside muscle fibers and track
exactly how hard, and how well, your body is working.
Athos uses EMG technology to read muscle activity. EMG stands for electromyography,
a method of measuring the electrical signal that motor nerves send to muscle fibers to
make them contract. The stronger the signal, the more muscle fibers are being recruited,
and the harder the muscle is working. EMG is normally available onlyto elite athletes, but
Athos has developed work out apparel with EMG sensors woven into the clothing. The information is
displayed in real-time on any iOS device via Bluetooth.
How Personal Trainers use Athos to Get a Competitive Advantage
1.Injury Prevention and Proper Form
a.)Seeing muscle activation in real time allows trainer to give feedback and
make adjustments like never before. See which muscles are firing, at what
intensity,balance intensity,and the balance between left and right sides.
2.Movement-Specific Visualizations
a.)Show clients exactly how their muscles are firing during explosive movements.
Great for training athletes as being able to visualize muscle activity in real-time
improves consistency.
3.Use as a tool for first-time consultations and evaluations
a.)Clients wearing Athos during their first work out not only makes you
stand out but also allows you to show clients and potential clients what areas
need to be worked on and where imbalances exist.
see for yourself:
Video 1 – introduction to Athos Apparel
Pricing and Ordering information
Save money and use coupon code: ALBERT30 for a $30 discount on any item(s).
***for bulk orders email us for more information